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How To Read Your Bill

Every National Grid bill gives a breakdown of exactly what you are being charged. Review this sample bill and compare it to your own.

Sample BillThe top of your bill shows your name, service address, account number, next meter reading, and your current bill’s date.Include this portion when you mail your payment in envelope provided. Please be sure the address on the back of this portion appears in the payment envelope window.The summary of your charges includes: your current gas charges or current Balanced Billing installment; the amount due on your last bill; your total payments since last bill; and the total amount due as of the bill date. Charges for service other than gas usage, including late payment charges, if applicable, would also be shown here.The number of days in the current billing period and the total number of therms/CCF used are highlighted here. Your current meter reading, prior meter reading, and the difference between these readings measured in CCF (one hundred cubic feet) are also shown. For some customers, a thermal factor onverts the usage from CCF into therms which is a measure of the heating value of the gas. The amount of your bill is based on the number of therms you used in the billing period and your billing rate.This charge represents the actual cost of gas purchased by National Grid from suppliers and delivered to our service area. The price you pay is the price we pay. We are not allowed to mark up the gas supply charge.This represents the cost of local transportation of gas to your home or business, providing safety services, local pipeline maintenance, meter reading, billing and payment processsing, and other business related costs. Every customer pays a Minimum Charge that covers our fixed costs of providing service to you, whether or not you’ve used gas during the billing period. The Rate Block Steps show you how your cost per therm decreases as you use more gas. For many commercial customers, there is only one Rate Step after the Minimum Charge.Important Messages contains information about your bill and our services for all customers.