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Where can we help you today?

Report a Gas Emergency

If you smell gas anywhere, including in your home, go outside and call 1-800-892-2345 or 911 immediately.

Do not assume that someone else has already reported the emergency. Help us keep your community safe! We consider any of the below a gas emergency:

  • You smell gas or suspect a gas leak.
  • There is an abnormally high or low flame or no gas in all your gas appliances.
  • Gas to an appliance or heating unit cannot be shut off.
  • There is a continuous flow of water leaking from your gas heating unit or water heater.
  • Gas pipes are making unusual noises like roaring, hissing or whistling.
  • You notice dead vegetation that does not have a cause to be there.
  • You see a white cloud, mist, fog or bubbles in standing water.
  • There is an odor other than natural gas that is irritating to your eyes, nose and/or throat or someone is exhibiting symptoms of carbon monoxide exposure such as headache, nausea, lethargy, disorientation and combativeness.

As every report of a gas leak is a potentially hazardous situation, we recommend you evacuate the premises along with any family members and pets and wait for our technician to arrive.

DO NOT under any circumstances:

  • Touch any electrical or light switches, doorbells, phones or anything that could cause a spark such as any appliances or thermostats.
  • Turn any electrical equipment on or off.
  • Pull plugs from outlets.
  • Smoke or light matches.