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Where can we help you today?

Supply Costs

National Grid separates your bill into two services: supply and delivery. Supply Service is the portion of your service for which you can shop for your gas supply from a supplier other than National Grid. These suppliers, often referred to as competitive suppliers, can be companies that produce gas or are brokers that buy gas in the wholesale market and sell it to residents and businesses. National Grid is a delivery company, which means we will deliver gas to you regardless of your choice of supplier. We encourage you to shop and compare the prices of competitive suppliers. You can search for suppliers here.

Supply vs. Delivery
Learn more about your supply and delivery costs through our informational video.

If you have not chosen a competitive supplier, we will purchase gas and deliver it to you through Default Service. National Grid ensures that no one will be without a supply of gas.

National Grid buys natural gas periodically throughout the year, the majority of which is under contracts with suppliers. We also enter into long-term contracts for the delivery of this gas from the location where it is sourced to the beginning of our distribution system. National Grid does not mark up the price of natural gas sold to our customers; you pay what we pay.

The Gas Adjustment Factor, or Gas Supply Charge, represents the price through which National Grid recovers the cost of providing Default Service, which includes the natural gas we purchase on behalf of our customers and the cost of transporting the gas to our distribution system. For current and past Gas Adjustment Factors please visit: