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Electric Supply Charge

This form details delivery charge adjustment and electricity charge by load zone, service class, and voltage delivery level.

  • For customers without interval meters, the actual price that a customer will see on their bill will be a 30-day load shape weighted average. In other words, we will develop a 30-day weighted average kilowatt-hour cost by averaging the prices for each hour of each day in the 30-day period. For example, if your meter is read on March 29, your weighted average price would be based on the previous 30 days' prices.
  • These prices are the actual prices given current market and weather conditions experienced since September 1, 1998. These prices are not a forecast of where we believe prices will be tomorrow or any time in the future.

* Data is available from September 1, 1998
* To select prices for one day, make both the From Date and To Date the same.
* When selecting the All option, the date range is limited to 7 days.
* The Delivery Adjustment line item on your bill includes the Delivery Charge Adjustment shown above plus the Commodity Adjustment Charge (CAC). The CAC factor by month can be viewed in our Electric rate statements.


Disclaimer: We make no guarantee, warranty or representation, express or implied (including implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose), with regard to the accuracy, completeness, usefulness, timeliness, or suitability of the price information being provided. We reserve the right to change these prices in conjunction with changes made by the ISO.

It is expressly understood and agreed that neither we nor our directors, officers, employees, or agents, shall assume any liability or responsibility for any damages or claims resulting from any use or disclosure of the information being provided.