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Imbalance Trading

trading staffsAt the end of each month, National Grid will make available a list of suppliers willing to engage in the Imbalance Trading process in each of National Grid’s four LDC territories (BGC, CGC, EGC, and ENO). Trades can only be made within each LDC territory. Non-Daily Service imbalances can only be traded with other Non-Daily Service imbalances. Daily and Monthly Daily Service imbalances can only be traded with other Daily and Monthly Daily Service imbalances. Trades are pipeline specific regardless of the service and must be point specific for those days the Delivering Pipeline requires point-specific balancing.

Following are forms, which should be used in order to notify National Grid of the BGC, CGC, EGC and ENO trading transactions. There are separate forms for daily and monthly transactions. At the bottom of each form are guidelines, which should assist you in completing the form. Please note that ‘Supplying Party’ represents the Supplier with the positive imbalance (BGC owes Supplier), while the ‘Receiving Party’ represents the Supplier with the negative imbalance (Supplier owes BGC). When engaging in trade transactions with other parties, each party must submit a completed form. These two forms will look exactly alike, differing only in the fact that they will be submitted separately by each party involved in the transaction.

All valid trades must be communicated to National Grid (BGC, CGC, EGC and ENO) within three business days following the end of the month.

Download the appropriate form below.