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Where can we help you today?

Existing Building Commissioning Programs

Our Real-Time Energy Management (RTEM) and Retro-commissioning (RCx) programs can help commercial and industrial customers reduce their energy usage.

Both programs focus on technical services that identify and implement low- to no-cost energy conservation measures. Approved and authorized engineering firms, also known as Qualified Service Providers (QSPs) and Qualified System Providers (QSyPs), will work directly with you to scope your facility, install monitoring systems (RTEM-only), recommend energy- and cost-saving measures, verify your results, and help ensure persistence of savings.

Tablet with charts and graphs

This program includes ongoing monitoring and assessment of your facility. The RTEM software will address current and future energy-saving opportunities as long as the software is in place.


Participants must:

  • Be located in National Grid's upstate New York service area.
  • Have an average annual peak demand >300 kW
  • Have an existing, functional Building Automation System


The following incentive payments are available directly to the customer for National Grid-verified energy savings at the conclusion of a project*:

  • $0.02/kWh (National Grid electric customers)
  • $0.15/therm (National Grid gas customers)

*Incentives may be capped at a percentage of project implementation cost.

Additional incentives are provided directly to the QSyP/QSP to offset the customer’s contribution for:

  • Scoping study (facility walkthrough to identify energy efficiency opportunities)
  • Installation of monitoring software

This program includes a one-time assessment of your facility. The RCx program will address current energy-saving opportunities.


Participants must:

  • Be located in National Grid's upstate New York service area.
  • Have an average annual peak demand >110 kW
  • Have an existing, functional Building Automation System (recommended but not required for RCx)


The following incentive payments are available directly to the customer for National Grid-verified energy savings at the conclusion of a project*:

  • $0.02/kWh (National Grid electric customers)
  • $0.15/therm (National Grid gas customers)

*Incentives may be capped at a percentage of project implementation cost.

Additional incentives are provided directly to the QSP to offset the customer’s contribution for:

  • Scoping study (facility walkthrough to identify energy efficiency opportunities)

Getting Started 

National Grid is working with experienced QSPs and QSyPs to offer commercial and industrial customers generous incentives for participating in this program. Details of the RTEM and RCx programs are available below: 

For more information, or if you have any questions, please contact our program implementation provider, Resource Innovations, at 518-732-5165 or or

Other sustainable solutions for your business:

Earn financial incentives when you reduce electric usage on extremely warm days with our electric demand response programs.

Keep costs down and sustainability up with our energy-efficiency and sustainability programs for businesses in upstate NY.